The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 24-07-2022.

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Joined: Tue Jun 10, 2008 5:53 pm
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The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 24-07-2022.

Post by asbibby »

:D Today after my holiday I was joined by, Clive, Jonathan, Colin, Sophie, John and Len who was here to collect his 30 year long service award.

We all had a brew and a barm cake in our workshop before starting today’s tasks. :D

Clive went to check on he art deco clock which had been repaired and was erected last Sunday, the clock was keeping good time and set to BST. :D

I attended a Bury Steam Locomotive board meeting in the ELRPS Conference room in Baron Street.

Clive and the team lacquered the Heywood Station totem signs before catching the train up to Heywood Station to re-erect the three signs.
We all met up again at lunchtime outside of our workshop. 8)

It was then decided to catch the 13:00 hours train to Summerseat Station to take down three Station platform lamp heads for the five year rolling plan refurbishment. :idea:

We returned back to our workshop and set about cleaning and rubbing down the lamp heads ready for painting next Sunday.
Next week another three lamp heads will be taken down ready for re-painting.

Jonathan and Clive investigated a fault on an angle grinder which had been given to us to see if we could repair it. :shock:

A final brew was had with some of Mr. Kiplings finest provided by Sue Sue, we then packed all our tools away, and signed off.
Back next week for more refurbishment tasks. :D
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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