Electrical volunteer turned steward Saturday 31-10-2020.

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Joined: Tue Jun 10, 2008 5:53 pm
Location: Underneath the Stairs Bury Bolton Street

Electrical volunteer turned steward Saturday 31-10-2020.

Post by asbibby »

:D Another Saturday and another day stewarding, the weather forecast was not too bad with a few heavy showers forecast during the day. The motive power for the day was again The Bury Standard 4 engine 80097 which hauled the first two trains from Bury Bolton Street Station to Rawtenstall Station and return.
The engine was taken off after the second return trip and coupled up to the Dining with Distinction train for the afternoon diner. 8)

I was asked if i could have a look at a fluorescent fitting in the Cafe at rawtenstall Station which was not working, on arrival it was found to be a LED tube which was required. I found the original LED tube and swapped the LED starter and the light worked OK the other starter was put back in the fitting and that fitting worked OK.
So what the fault was i have not a clue. :?

I then managed to leave the train having a prior appointment during the late afternoon, the DMU units completed the final return trip to Rawtenstall and back. :roll:

On Sunday i had contacted Jonathan and Colin to help erect the Christmas lights on the stations, we met up outside our workshop, had a quick brew, sorted out the lights for Rawtenstall Station and loaded our mobile tower scaffold onto the 10:00 train to Rawtenstall.
The lights were fitted using the scaffold and then tested to ensure they worked OK, they had previously been tested after we took them down last year.
Lunch was held el fresco at Rawtenstall Station with a brew provided by the staff in the cafe.
The 12:300 train from BBS was then caught to take us back to BBS. :D

We unloaded all the gear from the train and went back to our workshop to get the Christmas lights for platform two at BBS, these were erected and tested and then the wiring changed to a plug and socket at the end of the canopy to allow the lights to be switched on and off. 8)

All the station clocks from Rawtenstall to Bury Bolton Street were checked for the correct time after BST had ended, they had all been reset by the station staff correctly. :D

With that we packed all our gear away and bid farewell to each other masked and socially distanced throughout the day. :shock:
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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