Electrical volunteer turned steward Saturday 29-08- 2020.

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Location: Underneath the Stairs Bury Bolton Street

Electrical volunteer turned steward Saturday 29-08- 2020.

Post by asbibby »

:D Well another day on the ELR acting as a steward on the three trains today, the engines on duty today were Douglas the 0 - 6 - 0 engine ably assisted by Gothenburg in the guise of Thomas the tank engine pulling seven carriages.
The Crompton diesel engine Phil Southern was on duty on the shuttle train from Bury Bolton Street Station to Heywood Station. :)

The weather forecast for the day seemed to be reasonable, with some sunshine and the occasion slight shower, which turned out to be spot on. :D

The 10:00 train left on time with the train reasonable occupied and picking up further passengers at the caravan club site at Burrs Halt, it was then onto Summerseat Station and Ramsbottom Station to pick up a few more passengers.
It was then onto Irwell Vale Station before arriving at our destination Rawtenstall Station.
The tables and internal and external door handles were all cleaned before our departure for Bury. 8)

The engines ran round our train before making the return journey to Bury Bolton Street Station at around 11:30, the carriages were once again cleaned before we all had our lunch, i had a Wigan kebab very tasty. :lol:

The second train of the day left on time at 12:30 hours, this was by far the busiest train of the day with plenty parents and children enjoying the people showing off the dinosaur puppets to the delight of all the young children.
Burrs Halt was again a popular departure point with about thirty people boarding the train. :D

The last train of the day left on time again at 15:00 hours with the two small engines working very well together, we arrived in Rawtenstall on time and departed on time arriving back in Bury Bolton Street Station at 16:35.
All the carriage windows were shut, tables and door handles cleaned before we handed in all our passengers contact list to the senior steward. 8)

I shall be back next Saturday with some more illuminating thoughts on being a steward on the ELR getting back on the rails excursions. :idea:
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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