The Electrical Volunteers report Sunday 12-01-2020.

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The Electrical Volunteers report Sunday 12-01-2020.

Post by asbibby »

:D A full compliment of electrical volunteers in again today on a cold damp Sunday, i was joined by Colin, Clive, Jonathan, John and Len, after a brew and some of Colin's chocolate biscuits from last week, we set to work..
First job was to test the fire alarm call points again after the rush of Christmas and New Year was over, everything checked out OK and the results logged.

we caught the next train to Ramsbottom Station with a platform trolley and the metal case to recover the two strings of Christmas lights.
On arrival we sourced the station double extension ladder to facilitate the removal of the lights from the lamp posts and underneath the station canopy. :idea:

We worked well and recovered both sets of lights, packed them up in the metal case and caught the same train back to Bury Bolton Street Station, on arrival we unloaded everything and returned to our workshop for some lunch and a warming brew. :lol:

New lamps for the pie warmer were given to the Station Master which had been sourced by Clive, it was then onto the ladies toilets on platform 3/4 to replace another three D type bulbs which had failed previously.
Clive had purchased a box of 4 pin D type bulbs last week, we now have some spares. :D

We then had a look at a computer which had been given to us, there appears to be a problem with the internet connection, Clive decided to take it home to do some checks on it there. :P

Spare Christmas LED bulbs had been purchased and the Christmas lights from BBS platform two were then looked at after we had found a few problems with the bulb holders last week, faulty bulb holders were cut out, the wires soldered and heat shrink tubing fitted, the string was then tested for continuity and that all the bulbs were illuminated. :idea:

The last of the mince pies were demolished along with most of the choccy biscuits and a final brew, we then swept up the workshop and retired home. :D
Last edited by asbibby on Sun Jan 12, 2020 9:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Electrical Volunteers report Sunday 12-01-2020.

Post by marflow »

I got the very last mince pie!
Deep in the very heart of Somewhere
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