The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 07-07-2019.

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Joined: Tue Jun 10, 2008 5:53 pm
Location: Underneath the Stairs Bury Bolton Street

The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 07-07-2019.

Post by asbibby »

:D What a beautiful day it was today, lots of sunshine and four volunteers in today, Jonathan, Colin, Len and myself, Alan.
Jonathan and Len went off to do the usual fire alarm call point checks in The Trackside and Bury Bolton Street Station concourse, everything worked fine and the findings recorded. :D

We were asked to have a look at one of the blue button crossing call points, this was fettled by Jonathan, a broken wire was found and re-soldered and the flat battery changed. :)

The rest of us recovered the eight lamp heads and re-assembled them on our workbench outside of our workshop, new allen screws were fitted and all the lamps tested to ensure they worked OK. :idea:

It was decided then to catch the 11:55 train to Summerseat Station hauled by the Standard 4 80080, we loaded onto the train four lamp heads, our ladders and some tools.
Lunch was taken in the sunshine at this lovely Station in glorious sunshine, no cake today, Len had left it on the counter at home, Shame!!
On arrival we unloaded everything and re-installed the four lamp heads, we then boarded the same train that had dropped us off in Summerseat back to Bury Bolton Street Station. :)

Roger from the 26B shop asked us to PAT test a drill and a hedge trimmer before being put into use on the ELR on behalf of Richard Law. 8)

A final brew in the workshop and that was it again for another week. :D
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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