The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 24-03-2019.

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The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 24-03-2019.

Post by asbibby »

:D Just the four of us in today, Jonathan, Len, Clive and myself, after a swift brew Len & Jonathan did the usual fire alarm call points and logged the tests.

Clive and Len then had appointments with the ELR doctor for their medicals in Tate Towers, Baron Street. :roll:

Jonathan and myself obtained the PAT testing equipment and some tools then made our way to Bury transport Museum to start PAT testing the display lighting units.
After completing about half of the lighting display units we went back to our workshop for a spot of lunch and to meet up with Len & Clive after their medicals, they said it wasn't too painful. :P

It had been reported that a dryer in the gents toilets on platform 3/4 at BBS was not working correctly, a loose fuse appeared to be the culprit.

We all then went over to the museum to carry on with PAT testing of the display lighting units, nearing the end of testing of the ground floor units, the PAT tester failed one of the units which had a bad earth connection and after the earth lead was repaired it still showed an earth fault.

We tested for continuity of the wiring on the lighting unit and found everything to be satisfactory, it turned out that our PAT tester had developed an earth fault and will have to be sent away for repair. :(

It was then back to our workshop to test all the leads and to confirm the fault with the PAT tester. :cry:

A final brew was had with Tesco's finest cream cakes provided to us by Sue. :)

We shall be back next week for more electrifying stories. :shock:
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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