The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 10-03-2019.

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The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 10-03-2019.

Post by asbibby »

:) It was The March Steam Gala at the ELR today with the debut on Friday of the two BR 4MT Standard tanks, 80097 & 80080, the weather was not too kind but this did not detract from a great show of locomotives to the delight of the many customers. :D

On Sunday i was joined by Len, Jonathan and Colin, Clive had texted in earlier to say that he was feeling a bit under the weather, can't blame him really the weather was a bit grim, rain, wind, snow and sunshine all in a couple of hours. :?
A quick brew was had to warm us all up before starting work.

We tided up the workshop a bit, emptied the overflowing rubbish bin, we also stripped down some conduit components which had been left in our workshop, constituting a tripping hazard. :shock:

A trip up to the Bury Standard 4 Group workshop was next on the agenda delivering, RAMS (Risk Assessment & Method Statement), plus a COSHH assessment for Keith, connected with the grit blasting of metalwork, these were all left in a folder for Keith.

Whilst in the workshop and out of the weather we managed to inspect some light fittings which require a bit of work, mainly repositioning them, this will be done once we have access to the mobile tower scaffold.
We used the long ladders in the workshop to replace a faulty fluorescent tube in one of the light fittings. :idea:

Lunch was taken with another brew and some chocolate hobnobs provided by Len.

The new drum clock on platform two at BBS was checked for accuracy along with the clock in the Trackside pub, the drum clocks two faces are both showing the accurate time, whilst the Trackside clock is two minutes fast.
This will be rectified next week with a tweak on the electronic control box. 8)

The workshop was scoured for a replacement double plastic socket but to no avail, a note was left for Simon the full time ELR electrician to order some spares, this will be fitted in the mess room on platform 3/4 at BBS next week.

An early dart was on the cards after another brew as Arsenal were entertaining Manchester United on Sky at 16:15, we shall all be back next week for some more enlightening stories. :roll:
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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