The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 20-01-2019.

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Location: Underneath the Stairs Bury Bolton Street

The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 20-01-2019.

Post by asbibby »

:) Just the three of us in today, Len, Jonathan and myself on a reasonable day, at least it was not raining and no gale blowing, in fact the sun made an appearance.

Len & Jonathan went off to test out the fire alarm call points in Bury Bolton Street concourse and the Trackside pub, all worked OK and the results were recorded. :lol:

It was then time for a brew, no cakes today just biscuits. :cry:

The Christmas lights at Heywood Station needed to be recovered so it was off to get the mobile tower scaffold and the boxes for the lights and a few tools, we caught the 10:55 train hauled by the GWR tank engine 4270 and made our way up to Heywood. 8)

Both strings of Christmas lights were recovered and packed away in their respective boxes before having our lunch and a brew provided by the Station staff at Heywood, many thanks. :)

The Station Master reported to us that the second platform light from the Bury end was not working, on inspection it was found that the halogen lamp was blown and it had not been replaced by a LED bulb asper the rest of the platform lights.
A new LED bulb will be sourced and fitted at a later date. :roll:

We then caught the 14:10 train back to Bury Bolton Street Station which was hauled by freshly overhauled Bury Standard 4 Group BR 4MT Standard Tank, 80097 on proving and running in trials, on the other end was the GWR tank engine 4270.

We unloaded all our gear stowed away the Christmas lights and mobile tower scaffold and had a final brew in our workshop.

A possible new volunteer may be joining us, he had a chat with us all in our workshop about the type of work we do on the railway. :D

Back next week for more enlightening stories. :!:
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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