The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 16-12-2018.

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The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 16-12-2018.

Post by asbibby »

:D I was back for the first time in three weeks after suffering from a lingering cold, i was joined by Clive, Len and Jonathan, we discovered that John had been taken ill and would not be with us today. Get well soon John. :)

A brew was made before we decided what would be the order of the day, on a very cold but dry day. :)

Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves on the Santa Specials with all the trains being packed with children, parents and grandparents. 8)

The Norden Post Office sign had been refurbished electrically and we gave the outside metalwork a good clean, it now looks quite presentable. 8)

We collected some tools, battery drill and took the refurbished post office sign to the Museum to be erected over the reception door which leads into the museum. :D

Some decent sized screws had been obtained from our workshop to enable us to affix the sign to the plasterboard wall, this was fixed satisfactorily and the mains connected to the sign via a 13amp plug. :idea:

The sign looks quite good alongside the telephone box and the two post office vans which have been beautifully restored.

It was then back to the workshop for some lunch and another brew to warm us all up, we finished off we some chocolate tools, marshmallows and a piece of ginger cake each curtesy of Sue Sue. :roll:

I then went to Buckley Wells Works to look at the progress made on the repairs to 80097, we are awaiting some new springs which should be delivered on Wednesday and then all the refurbished axle boxes and wheels will be put back on the engine.
A great deal of painting as been done to the frames and wheels of the engine whilst it has been lifted on the ELR jacks.
I removed the Smiths speedo head from the cab to enable us to calibrate the moving coil meter next Sunday. :)

We shall be back next week for more electrifying deeds. :idea:
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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