The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 02-09-2018.

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The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 02-09-2018.

Post by asbibby »

:o Just the three wise men in today on a glorious day weather wise after a dissapointing few wet Sundays, Len, Jonathan and myself, met up for a brew and a cream cake before Len and Jonathan went off to do the fire alarm call point testing in the Trackside pub and Bury Bolton Street station concourse.
All worked satisfactory, and the results were entered into the log books. :D

I went up to the Bury Standard 4 Group shed to get a share certificate signed and was asked if we could repair a welding lead which had been damaged, the lead was disconnected and brought back to our workshop to see if we could elect a repair.
A small section of cable was exposed were the damage was on the cable, the copper was wrapped and soldered up before self amalgamating tape was used to provide adequate insulation. 8)

It had always been planned that if the weather was kind we would go to Summerseat Station to take down five Station lamp heads and bring them back to our workshop for refurbishment.
We obtained a ladder some tools and caught the 10:20 train to Summerseat, five lamp heads were taken down and the top of the lamps covered to stop any ingress of water.
The lamp heads were then loaded back on the next train and off loaded at BBS Station. :)

Lunch was then taken El Fresco in the brilliant sunshine outside the workshop, with another brew and a cream cake. :roll:

We then started to strip down the lamp heads into their component parts, the globes were cleaned, LED lamps put to one side and the first two lamp heads rubbed down. These two lamp heads were in a very bad state and were heavily corroded, it took quite some time to get them into a decent state to be painted in the next few weeks.
Let's hope the other three lamp heads are not as bad as the two we de-rusted today. :P

Next week it will be the turn of the other three lamp heads to be stripped, cleaned and de-rusted.

A final brew was had before we departed for the day.

Clive and John should be back next week. :)
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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