The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 04-02-2018.

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The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 04-02-2018.

Post by asbibby »

8) All five electrical volunteers made an appearance today, Len, John, Clive, Jonathan and myself, after a swift brew we had a report of lights out in the shop in the booking office at Bury Bolton Street station.
The 4 pin D type bulb was blown so it will be replaced once we get some spares, an order is in for 4 replacements and the blown ones will be fitted next week. :idea:

Len, John and myself took the train to Rawtenstall Station to change the LED light bulbs in the waiting room and to leave with the Station Master some spare bulbs. :)

Clive & Jonathan cleared some space in our workshop to accommodate a new large steel cabinet to store our tool boxes and instruments etc.
The bench was cleared and the workshop floor swept clean.

Lunch was taken with cake provided by Clive and brambly individual apple pies supplied by myself. :D

We had hoped to start to test the Smiths speedo generator and regulator for the engine 80097 but we didn't receive from repair the speedo head.

A request from the Bury Standard 4 Group workshop was received asking us to replace a damaged lead on one of their angle grinders and to fit a longer lead onto the 110v angle grinder, this was completed and tested OK. :)

A final brew was partaken of and then it was off home, back next week for some more enlightening work. :roll:
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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