Th Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 28-01-2018.

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Joined: Tue Jun 10, 2008 5:53 pm
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Th Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 28-01-2018.

Post by asbibby »

:D We nearly had a full team out today, Len & Clive back from being Pat & Mick, Jonathan and myself, John was attending a radio auction so was not present today.

The weather was reasonably so it was off to Rawtenstall Station on the 10:20 train to dismantle the Christmas lights, replace a light in the waiting room and to replace a Station platform lamp head. :idea:

I was attending a Bury Steam Locomotive Limited board meeting in the FXP building at Bury Bolton Street Station.

The team returned from Rawtenstall after lunch with the recovered Christmas lights and the faulty lamp head which required a length of flex adding to the existing mains lead. The lamp head also needed new screws fitting because the original screws appeared to be too short and were not clamping the lamp head secure enough to the top of the lamp post.8)

We had a brew with some cake kindly provided by Clive and biscuits provided by Len. :)

back next week for more enlightening work.
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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