The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 10-9-2017.

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The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 10-9-2017.

Post by asbibby »

:D Today we were a merry band of four, Clive, Len, John and myself, after a swift brew we re-assembled the six lamp heads which had all been refurbished over the last month or so.

All the tools we would need and the six lamp heads were all loaded onto the guards van on the next train to Ramsbottom Station.
On arrival with the weather holding up we quickly installed the six lamp heads and removed another six lamp heads which will be refurbished in the next few weeks. :)

Whilst working at the Station we were asked to have a look at the Tannoy system which was working only on platform one.
We investigated and found that the cable was missing from platform two loudspeaker horn underneath the footbridge, the loudspeaker horn had been broken off and the cable linking on to the next speaker horn was nowhere to be found.
It would appear that the cable was probably removed when the wooden steps on the footbridge were replaced a number of years ago. :shock:

When we did a lamp test on the station lights it was found that one of the footbridge lights was not working, this was also investigated and was found to be a damp pyro electrical connection.
We will do both of these repairs the Tannoy problem and the footbridge lamp on another visit to Ramsbottom Station in the not too distant future. :P

Lunch was then taken at Rammy before catching the next train back to Bury Bolton Street station and our workshop.
After lunch we stripped down the six lamp heads ready for rubbing down and cleaning prior to being repainted.

A final brew and a slice of lemon sponge cake brought in by Clive, very nice it was too. :D

Back next week for enlightenment news. 8)
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Re: The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 10-9-2017.

Post by marflow »

enlightenment? gerrit?
Deep in the very heart of Somewhere
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