The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 12-3-2017.

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The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 12-3-2017.

Post by asbibby »

:lol: All five electrical volunteers turned up today, Len, Jonathan, John, Clive and myself, after a swift brew and the weather being kind, not to mention an abundance of trains we made our way to Heywood Station.
The mobile tower scaffold was loaded onto the train along with our tools and replacement LED corn bulbs for the station platform lights.

If just one slip up with a bulb falling into the perspex lamp cover which took a bit of fishing out, we resorted in the end to unscrewing the lamp cover to recover the LED corn bulb.
Two of the platform lights had previously been changed for the LED corn bulbs so that left twelve to modify the lamp wiring in install the new bulbs.

Lunch was taken El Fresco on one of the picnic tables on the platform, the first one of the year, the scaffold was then dismantled and we returned to our base at Bury Bolton Street Station.

Phil of the Bury Standard Four Group brought to our workshop the reassembled Smiths speedometer generator, the magnet had been inserted incorrectly. We tested it in the workshop and now we are getting the correct output from it.
Clive calculated the output at 1 cycle per 1 M.P.H.
We now need to find a new moving coil meter with a 270 degree movement to replace the old one which is cream crackered.

We that one final brew was taken before making our way home from another enthralling gala.
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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