The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 5-8-2012.

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The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 5-8-2012.

Post by asbibby »

Jonathan came in last Tuesday 31-7-2012 to do some more PAT testing and to enter all the details onto our computer to create a database of all electrical tools, this will include each department, a description of each item and the date it was tested.
This will be an ongoing task, so if any department have any damaged electrical tools please stop using them and give them to Simon Riley the full time electrician for us to test and repair.

8) This Sunday was a DOWT day so John and myself helped out again on the Thomas train in BBS, the other lads didn't come in as some of them are on holiday or are allergic to children!!!!!

It was forecast to be sunshine and torrential showers, in the end it was a glorious day with wall to wall sunshine in the morning and afternoon, immediately that the Thomas day had finished around about 16:30 hours a big black cloud came across Bury and the heavens opened, lashing it down with the forecasted torrential rain and much donner und blitzen.

John and I signed on and did some marshalling on the Thomas train acting as stewards, giving out goodie bags, Thomas stickers etc. Everyone was having a great time, especially the grown ups. Thomas (Gothenburg) was at the front of the train in light steam, lets hope he makes a full recovery after being fettled shortly.
We were called upon to make a small running repair on one of the supporting wooden rails in a truck as it had become loose, nothing a small L shaped bracket could not fix!

That was it for this Sunday, back to the electrical work next week. :D
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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