The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 29-7-2012.

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The Electrical Volunteers Report Sunday 29-7-2012.

Post by asbibby »

Jonathan was in on Saturday repairing some of the electrical tools etc. from Bob Johnson's den, plugs and extension leads repaired.

On Sunday the team consisted of John, Jonathan, Len, Clive, Simon and myself, Chris was on a sojurn in Corfu, lucky for some.

First job as usual after a swift brew was to check out the fire alarm call points in BBS and The Trackside, this was done by Len and Jonathan.

We then decided to collect our tools and catch the first train to Rawtenstall, pulled by Captain Bill Smith R.N. John and myself got off at Summerseat Station whilst the rest of the team carried onto Ramsbottom. We planned to see if we could find the pair from Ramsbottom to Summerseat for the remote switching of the platform lights. We tested to see if we could detect the thirty two volts DC we were sending from Summerseat, we had no luck in finding the voltage on the selected pair.
We will be asking the Telecomms. Department to test out the pair and to hand it back to us labelled and tested.

The returning Captain Bill Smith R.N. conveyed us back to our workshop in BBS. I had to attend a meeting in BTM education room so the rest of the team, John, Jonathan, Len and Clive carried on with PAT testing the electrical tools etc. in Bob Johnson's workshop.
A total of twenty eight electrical items were tested, quite a few items failed, these were then repaired and retested.
We shall be visiting all departments on the railway doing this PAT testing, please check all your electrical tools and extension leads if any are in need of repair, do not carry on using them but drop them off in our electrical workshop or give them to Simon Riley the full time electrician.

It is dangerous to use damaged electrical hand tools, welders etc.

I came back from the meeting and had some lunch before catching up with the rest of the team.

I stripped three carriage plug covers of paint and cleaned them up ready for repainting, John then came over to the workshop and the two of us went to investigate a reported cut and exposed electrical cable near Tate Towers at Baron Street, this turned out to be an old dissused electrical cable that supplied power to some long time removed yard lights.
We will put an heat shrink end cap on the cable end next week if possible.

That was it for this week John and myself will be on duty on The Thomas train next Sunday.
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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