The Sunday Electrical Volunteers Report 1-4-2012.

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The Sunday Electrical Volunteers Report 1-4-2012.

Post by asbibby »

I was not in on Sunday as my wife was unwell, so this report is from information provided by Len.
I had contacted Clive in the morning to say I would not be in on Sunday and that the plan was that we should all go up to Rawtenstall to re-install the two canopy lights which we had taken down in the early part of March.
The two canopy light fittings had been stripped, painted and tested in the workshop last week.

Jonathan was in first, followed by Len then Clive and John arrived, first job as per usual was to test the fire alarm call points in BBS and The Trackside bar/cafe, Len and Jonathan completed this task and logged their findings.

Simon was also in the workshop and he asked for some assisstance in installing a telephone cable from the DP (distribution point) in Baron Street works to the new ELRPS building know as "Tate Towers".
Len and Jonathan volunteered to help Simon with this task, whilst Clive and John would carry on with the programmed work at Rawtenstall Station.

Simon provided the cable to enable the connection between the two buildings, the cable was to be installed in the same duct as the electricity supply. The duct needed to be rodded first to enable the cable to be pulled through the ducts and after a few problems the cable was sucessfully draw through into the ELRPS building.
The remainder of the cable will be installed next week when more of us are available because the cable needs to be clipped on the roof supporting beams in Baron Street works and then connected up in the DP.

Clive and John meanwhile had travelled up on the train to Rawtenstall Station to first of all correct the Booking Hall clock to BST (British Summer Time) and to check to see if the brass time clock was still receiving pulses from the micro-processor.

They then spent the rest of the time at Rawtenstall reinstalling the two outside canopy light fittings and testing them.

After completing their tasks Clive, John, Len and Jonathan returned to the workshop for a brew and a natter before calling it a day. :shock:
Deep in the heart of Swinetown.
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